Technical Support
for Living Torah video CD version

We are constantly researching and testing our CDs so that they run at optimum performance across a wide range of platforms and PCs. Experimenting with different Video Player software will almost always bring different results.

Below we have compiled a list designed to help you in troubleshooting your Video CD. If you still have questions, feel free to drop us an Email.

Please verify that your system is capable of playing videos. Have you been successful in playing other Video CDs in the past? Check your system for the following resources:

1 32MB system memory or higher
2 VGA card with latest VGA driver software
3 Have Windows direct-x 8 installed for Windows 98/ME/2000
4 Have Windows direct-x and DX media installed for Windows 95/NT4.0
5 Enable the windows DMA function for the CD-ROM drive (for desk top PC only)

To check if DirectX is on your system, go to Start > Run and in the box type: dxdiag
Press Enter. If DirectX is installed, an about screen will come up and display the version. If DirectX is not installed, it will say that there is an error and it could not find the program you entered. In which case you may download it here:

You may try coping the DAT files to your hard drive and run them with other Video Player Programs designed to play MPEG1 files. You can also try renaming the extensions to *.mpg.

At this time, Living Torah Video CDs play only with Windows Operating Systems. If you have been successful in getting it to run on other platforms, please Email us and let us know.


Video format: CCIR601 NTSC
Compression: MPEG-1
Resolution: 352x240 at 30fps
Bit rate: 1.15Mb/sec